The Early Bird (1925)

Stars: Johnny Hines, Sigrid Holmquist, Edmund Breese, Flora Finch
Director: Charles Hines
Runtime: 79 Minutes
Language: English subtitles - Music scores
Color:  Tinted and Toned
Format:  DVD-R
Extras: Alpine Antics - Chasing the Chaser
Rating: NR
Price: $16.95


Directed by Charles Hines

Johnny Hines
Sigrid Holmquist
Wyndham Standing - Edmund Breese
Maude Turner Gordon - Bradley Barker
Flora Finch - John De Lacey

An idealistic milkman, Jimmy Burke (Hines), organizes the independents to combat the milk trust. Jimmy discovers that George Fairchild is conspiring to poison the independent milk supply.

An extremely rare Hines film. Only one print is known to have survived.

79 minutes - Music score by Lou McMahon

Short Subjects:

Alpine Antics with Oswald the Rabbit

Chasing the Chaser with James Finlayson

18 minutes
