Homecoming (1928)

Stars: Lars Hanson, Dita Parlo, Gustav Fröhlich
Director: Joe May
Runtime: 76 Minutes
Language: English subtitles - music score
Color:  Black and White
Format:  DVD-R
Rating: NR
Price: $16.95

(1928) - "Heimkehr"

Director: Joe May

Lars Hanson  ... Richard
Dita Parlo  ... Anna
Gustav Fröhlich  ... Karl
Theodor Loos & Philipp Manning

On the Eastern Frontier of Russia 1917 two German prisoners of war, Richard and Karl, live unguarded, serving as ferrymen in the vast wilderness where it is believed no escape is possible. As the war grinds on Richard is spurned on by his desire to be reunited with his love Anna and so decides to attempt escape across the Russian wilderness. Karl who has kept up his friends spirits for the last two years insists on joining him regardless of the peril. However they become separated in the Siberian desert and months later when the war is over Karl returns to Germany hoping to meet Richard but instead finds only Anna. Soon Karl realizes he has feelings for Anna, but little do they suspect Richard is on his way home at last.

76 minutes with a music score by David Knudtson
