*NOTE: This product was updated on February 5th 2021; new digital 2K transfers from higher quality prints. Now presented with a optional new organ music score. If you purchased a copy prior please contact us for a discounted  upgrade.


Directed by F. Richard Jones & James Young

Mabel Normand,
George Nichols,
Wheeler Oakman, Minta Durfee,
Laura La Varnie, Lew Cody,
Tom Kennedy & Minnie Devereaux

Mabel portrays a western miner's daughter who is sent East to live a privileged life. The aunt who takes her in discovers that Mickey's mine is failing and so the poor girl is made a servant. Includes both the 67 minute release version and the 100 minute complete version. There are many striking differences between the two releases with art titles, some completely different scenes and camera angles being the most noticeable.

Each version presented with both a piano score inspired by the original
sheet music and an organ score by David Knudtosn.

Presented on two DVD discs or one Blu-ray disc.

Mickey (1918)

Stars: Mabel Normand, George Nichols, Wheeler Oakman, Lew Cody, Tom Kennedy
Director: F. Richard Jones and James Young
Runtime: 67 Minute version + 100 Minute version
Language: English inter-titles - Two Music Scores
Source: 2K transfer of black and white prints
Format: Two DVD-Rs or one Blu-ray (region free)
Rating: NR

