Say It With Diamonds (1927)

Stars: Betty Compson, Earle Williams, Jocelyn Lee and Armand Kaliz
Director: Arthur Gregor & Jack Nelson
Runtime: 64 minutes
Language: English subtitles - music score
Source: Material preserved in the LOC
Formats:  DVD-R and Blu-ray BD-R (region free)
Rating: NR

From material preserved in the Library of Congress
Released in cooperation with Joseph Harvat

Say it with Diamonds

Directed by
Arthur Gregor & Jack Nelson

Betty Compson
Earle Williams
Jocelyn Lee
Armand Kaliz

Birthday girl, Betty, is thrilled when she spies a jeweled haircomb hidden on her husband's desk. But joy turns to dismay when she later sees it on another woman. Misunderstandings mount and soon, Betty is seeking the help of her husband's friend to obtain a divorce. Betty Compson, Earle Williams, Jocelyn Lee and Armand Kaliz star in this sophisticated, comic tale of love, lies and diamonds!

Source materials for the restoration provided by
The United States Library of Congress

Digital Restoration By Joseph Harvat

64 minutes with a musical score written and performed by
David Drazin

 $19.95 on special

 $24.95 on special