The Funny Manns with Cliff Norton

Stars: Cliff Norton
Director: various
Runtime: 129 Minutes
Language: English
Color:  Black and White
Format:  DVD-R (region free)
Rating: NR

Price: $9.95

The Funny Manns
with Cliff Norton
(Fourteen Shorts)

The Funny Manns was an American television program from 1961 where host Cliff Norton would introduce edited and narrated silent films as a tale about his Uncle or Father. Included are fourteen comedy shorts with familiar stars of the silent era and each short includes the Cliff Norton comedic introduction. 129 minutes

Included Shorts:

  1. Stubborn Mann
  2. Rocket Mann
  3. Camera Mann
  4. Timid Mann
  5. Ladies Mann
  6. Waiter Mann
  7. Shy Mann
  8. Boss Mann
  9. Sailor Mann
  10. Helpful Mann
  11. Candy Mann
  12. Fisher Mann
  13. Egg Mann
  14. Boat Mann

Also available:

The Funny Manns

Twenty  shorts without intros.