Stars: Jesse James Jr., Diana Reed
Director: Franklin B. Coates
Runtime: 69 Minutes
Language: English subtitles -
Format: DVD-
Rating: NR
Price: $16.95
Written & Directed by Franklin B. Coates
Cast :
Jesse James Jr. .... Himself/Jesse James
Diana Reed -
Franklin B. Coates
James joins Quantrill’s raiders, a guerrilla force which fought against union sympathizers during the Civil War. James takes allegiance to the Black Flag, the raiders’ banner. After the war he receives kind treatment from a judge concerning his acts of crime and later meets and falls in love with Zee. They return home to Missouri after the Civil War hoping to live a life of peace, but he is falsely accused of robbing a bank. He is forced to take up a life of crime by being branded an outlaw. Crimes are committed and blamed on him, his family is maimed by the Pinkerton Detective Agency, but all the while James is able to perform charitable acts for citizens. James is finally assassinated by Bob Ford. All is told in a flashback style by Jesse James Jr. to an eastern beau asking for his daughter's hand in marriage.
(69 minutes)
Included short:
"GIRL OF THE RANCHO" (1919) with Texas Guinan (12 minutes)