Molly Malone
(12/07/1888 - 02/14/1952)

Born Violet Isabel Malone

Molly Malone was an early silent film actress during the early days of film. Molly didn't get her first role in motion pictures until 1917 in THE PULSE OF LIFE. By then she was 29, an age where most actresses had gotten their start many years earlier. Once she got her start, Molly was kept very busy. The twenties proved to busier still for her with appearances in films such as SURE FIRE (1921), ACROSS THE DEADLINE (1922), BATTLING BUNYON (1925), and RAWHIDE (1926). Molly retired from the big screen after THE GOLDEN STALLION in 1927.

She starred in more than 85 films from 1916 until 1929.

Available Films

The Lure of the Circus (1918)

The Man From Oklahoma (1926)

Films of Bobby Vernon

The Golden Stallion (1927)